There are 4 options for ordering class & office materials:
- Submit a Purchase Order to Angela Kizzee via Request System and assign to kizzeeaj. Instructions to complete Request order can be found below.
- Create a shopping cart and assign it to Angela Kizzee via UT Market
- Purchase online or in person with your official procurement card
- Purchase online or in person with your personal credit card for entertainment purchases and submit the following to Angela Kizzee for reimbursement within 30 days:
- Completed Official Occasion Expense Form
- Itemized receipt
NOTE: Per UT Purchasing Policy, all departmental purchases should be processed by our purchaser, Angela Kizzee. If a purchase cannot be done thought Request System, UTMarket or Angela's procard, please contact her prior to purchasing. Purchases for the university made by faculty, staff, and students using personal funds are not authorized and will only be reimbursed as an exception.
Instructions for completing order on Requests
To access the form you will need to be logged in with your UTEID and password.
Note: There are Help options next to each required section to assist with completing the form.
Please attach any quotes for your order in the Attachments section.
Description, please place course number.
Request Notes, please list any need by dates or important information you want to relay to me.
Requester Information will automatically fill out your EID. Fill in the Requester Email and Requester Phone, Department Name, Building and Room for delivery. If you use the Autofill button, it will use your directory information to complete this section. Please correct your building and room if needed for delivery location for your order. Choose a location where someone will be available to accept the delivery so deliveries are not returned to the vendor.
Item Information, add catalog/part number, description, quantity, unit of measure, unit cost. Leave Work Order number and Inventory Unit Code blank since we don’t use them. Click Add Item for each line item needed.
Account Information, add account number for your course. If you don’t know what it is, please email me and I’ll provide it to you.
Vendor Information, you can search for and add a vendor and a mail code. To choose a vendor click on the magnifying glass icon next to the Vendor UT EID section. I will change the mail code if needed so you don’t have to worry if it’s correct but the form will return with an error if it’s blank. If you run into trouble with the vendor, just leave your vendor information section blank but include the vendor you need in Describe what the items will be used for section under Item Information.
You can Save for Later until you are ready to send the order to me. When you are ready click Continue button.
Next Page will bring you to the Assign section. Assign to Angela Kizzee (UT EID is kizzeeaj) and click assign button.