Integrative Biology Degree Plans


You may consult the Degree Checklist and the Interactive Degree Audit for each of these degree plans.

B.S. in Biology, Option: Human Biology

Although the title might indicate a focus on the biology of the human body, students in this degree plan explore a much wider range of topics including human evolution, genomics, genetic and hormonal control of behavior, and impact on the environment. Students in this degree plan receive an interdisciplinary education about the relationship between biology and society. This option requires 19 hours of cross-disciplinary studies in the fields of statistics, physics, biochemistry, and organic chemistry. Additionally, students take a 3-hour course specific to the human biology major as well as courses in the following areas:

  • Evolution
  • Genetics, genomics, and computational biology
  • Cellular, developmental, and molecular biology
  • Ecology, environment, and health
  • Anatomy and/or physiology

Graduates are especially prepared for careers in research, medicine, law, or public affairs.

Faculty Advisor:
Profile image of Steven Phelps

Steven Phelps

  • Professor
  • Integrative Biology
  • Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Graduate Programs

Accepting graduate students 25-26 academic year


B.S. in Biology, Option: Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior

This option provides students with an education in ecological studies and biodiversity and also emphasizes field experience. The degree requires courses in ecology and evolution as well as advanced courses in physiology, behavior, and biodiversity. Students have the option of tailoring their course and lab requirements in some of these areas to emphasize animal, plant, or ecological studies. Graduates may take positions with government agencies, consulting firms, or continue with graduate studies for academic careers at colleges, universities, museums, or other research organizations.

Faculty Advisor:
Profile image of Mark Kirkpatrick

Mark Kirkpatrick

  • Professor
  • T. S. Painter Centennial Professor in Genetics
  • Integrative Biology
  • Biodiversity Center


B.S. in Biology, Computational Biology

Mathematical biology, computational biology, and bioinformatics have exploded in recent years thanks to large and increasingly complex biological data sets, advances in nonlinear dynamics, and an increasing appreciation for the utility of models and there is an urgent need for integrative education at an early stage. This new degree plan in Computational Biology is designed to give these students both a comprehensive biology curriculum and an essential foundation in mathematics, computer science, and statistics. Graduates will be highly competitive for quantitative jobs in the biotechnology industry and top-tier medical and graduate schools.

Faculty Advisor:
Profile image of Claus Wilke

Claus Wilke

  • Professor
  • Integrative Biology
  • Statistics and Data Sciences
  • Interdisciplinary Life Sciences Graduate Programs

Jane and Roland Blumberg Centennial Professorship in Molecular Evolution
Dwight W. and Blanche Faye Reeder Centennial Fellowship in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology


B.S. in Biology, Environmental Science

The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science degree program (the “EVS Program”) is an interdisciplinary degree program in Environmental Science offered collaboratively by The University of Texas at Austin’s College of Natural SciencesJackson School of Geosciences, and College of Liberal Arts. The EVS Program is unique for its innovative, interdisciplinary nature and its extensive use of hands-on experience and professional preparation to create tomorrow’s environmental scientists.  If you’re interested in learning more about other sustainability and environment undergraduate degree programs at UT Austin, you can check them out here.

Find more information about EVS advising here and the EVS program here.

Faculty Advisor:
Profile image of Norma Fowler

Norma Fowler

  • Professor
  • Integrative Biology
  • Texas Field Station Network
  • Biodiversity Center

Faculty Advisor for Departmental Honors in any of the above IB degree plans:
Profile image of Molly Cummings

Molly Cummings

  • Professor
  • Integrative Biology
  • Texas Field Station Network
  • Biodiversity Center

The William H. and Gladys G. Reeder Fellowship in Ecology (Holder)

Honors in Integrative Biology

For more information about honors in Integrative Biology please click the link below.